Aminet 40
Aminet 40 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 2000].iso
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Text File
732 lines
; $Id: devio1.a,v 1.56 1996/12/21 23:34:35 Rhialto Rel $
; $Log: devio1.a,v $
; Revision 1.56 1996/12/21 23:34:35 Rhialto
; No changes.
; Revision 1.55 1993/12/30 22:45:10 Rhialto
; Remove hardware constants (are now in c.i).
; Trackbuffer is a pointer now instead of an array.
; Freeze for MAXON5.
; Revision 1.54 1993/06/24 04:56:00 Rhialto
; DICE 2.07.54R.
; Revision 1.53 92/10/25 02:11:43 Rhialto
; No change.
; Revision 1.51 92/04/17 15:42:25 Rhialto
; Freeze for MAXON3. Change cyl+side units to track units.
; Revision 1.47 91/11/03 01:08:02 Rhialto
; Load A0 with custom address in interrupt code since that value is
; not guaranteed already there.
; Revision 1.46 91/10/06 18:27:12 Rhialto
; Freeze for MAXON
; Revision 1.44 91/10/02 21:06:58 Rhialto
; Fix bug that sectors with number 0 are accepted and crash.
; Revision 1.43 91/09/28 01:31:11 Rhialto
; Split out asm for DICE conversion.
; Revision 1.42 91/06/14 00:04:44 Rhialto
; DICE conversion
; Revision 1.40 91/03/03 17:56:00 Rhialto
; Freeze for MAXON
section text,code
include "c.i"
; Some hardware addresses:
xdef _custom
_custom equ $DFF000
Dsklen equ $24
Intena equ $9a ; Interrupt enable register (write)
Intreq equ $9c ; Interrupt request register (write)
xdef _ciab
_ciab equ $BFD000
; Flags in DSKLEN:
dskdmaoff equ $4000
intf_setclr equ 1<<15
intf_dskblk equ 1<<1
; CIA interrupt control register bits/flags:
ciaicrf_flg equ 1<<4 ; flg interrupt (disk index)
; some cia.resource library functions
xref _LVOSignal
xref _LVOAbleICR
xref _LVOSetICR
xref _CiaBResource
xdef _SafeEnableICR
_SafeEnableICR: ; the argument is passed as a long for now
move.l a6,-(sp)
move.l _CiaBResource,a6
move.l 4+4(sp),d0 ; skip a6,retadr
jsr _LVOSetICR(a6) ; clear pending interrupt
move.l 4+4(sp),d0 ; skip a6,retadr
or.b #$80,d0 ; then enable it
jsr _LVOAbleICR(a6)
move.l (sp)+,a6
; Disk index interrupt code.
; is_Data (A1) is the value to stuff into the DSKLEN register.
; It then enables the disk block interrupt and disables the
; index interrupt.
xdef _IndexIntCode
lea _custom,a0 ; not guaranteed already there
move.w #dskdmaoff,Dsklen(a0)
move.w a1,Dsklen(a0)
move.w a1,Dsklen(a0) ; this enables the DMA
move.w #intf_setclr|intf_dskblk,Intena(a0)
move.l _CiaBResource,a6
move.b #ciaicrf_flg,d0
jsr _LVOAbleICR(a6) ; disable index interrupt
; Disk DMA finished interrupt code.
; (a1) is the task to Signal, 4(a1) is the signal mask to use.
; Disables the disk block finished interrupt.
xdef _DskBlkIntCode
lea _custom,a0 ; not guaranteed already there
move.w #dskdmaoff,Dsklen(a0) ; disable disk DMA
move.w #intf_dskblk,Intena(a0) ; disable the interrupt
move.w #intf_dskblk,Intreq(a0) ; clear 'diskblock finished' flag
move.l 4(a1),d0 ; signal mask
move.l (a1),a1 ; task to signal
jsr _LVOSignal(a6)
; Create missing bindings
xref _DRResource
lib_vectsize equ 6
lib_base equ -lib_vectsize
_RVOAllocUnit equ lib_base-(0*lib_vectsize)
_RVOFreeUnit equ lib_base-(1*lib_vectsize)
_RVOGetUnit equ lib_base-(2*lib_vectsize)
_RVOGiveUnit equ lib_base-(3*lib_vectsize)
_RVOGetUnitID equ lib_base-(4*lib_vectsize)
; move.l 4(sp),d0
; move.l a6,-(sp)
; move.l _DRResource,a6
; jsr _RVOAllocUnit(a6)
; move.l (sp)+,a6
; rts
; move.l 4(sp),d0
; move.l a6,-(sp)
; move.l _DRResource,a6
; jsr _RVOFreeUnit(a6)
; move.l (sp)+,a6
; rts
xdef _GetUnit,@GetUnit
move.l 4(sp),a1
move.l a6,-(sp)
move.l _DRResource,a6
jsr _RVOGetUnit(a6)
move.l (sp)+,a6
; move.l 4(sp),d0
; move.l a6,-(sp)
; move.l _DRResource,a6
; jsr _RVOGetUnitID(a6)
; move.l (sp)+,a6
; rts
xdef _GiveUnit
move.l a6,-(sp)
move.l _DRResource,a6
jsr _RVOGiveUnit(a6)
move.l (sp)+,a6
; Macro to decode a single MFM word to a byte.
; Auto-increments the rawbuffer pointer.
; Also provided as subroutine later on, for decoding that doesn't
; need to be inline.
decode macro
move.b (rawbuf)+,d1 ; high nybble
and.w #$7f,d1 ; strip clock bit (and garbage)
move.b 0(decode,d1.w),d0; decode 4 data bits
lsl.b #4,d0 ; make room for the rest
move.b (rawbuf)+,d1 ; low nybble
and.b #$7f,d1 ; strip clock bit again
or.b 0(decode,d1.w),d0; insert 4 decoded bits
;DecodeTrack0(dev, unit)
;DEV *dev;
;UNIT *unit;
xdef _DecodeTrack0
dtregs reg a2/a3/a4/d3
movem.l dtregs,-(sp)
link a5,#-20
; register byte *secptr; /* a4 */
; long sector;
; word numsecs;
; register long numbytes; /* d3 */
; word maxsec;
MFM_ID equ $5554
MFM_DATA equ $5545
rawbuf equr a2
decode equr a3
secptr equr a4
numbytes equr d3
dev set 8+(4*4)
unit set 12+(4*4)
rawend set -4
trackbuf set -8
oldcrc set -12
sector set -16
numsecs set -18
maxsec set -20
move.l dev(a5),a0
; word *rawbuf = (word *)dev->md_Rawbuffer;
move.l md_Rawbuffer(a0),rawbuf
; byte *decode = dev->md_MfmDecode;
lea md_MfmDecode(a0),decode
move.l unit(a5),a0
; word *rawend = (byte *)rawbuf + unit->mu_ReadLen - (MS_BPS+2)*sizeof(word);
move.w mu_ReadLen(a0),d0 ; mu_ReadLen
lea 0(rawbuf,d0.w),a1 ; rawbuf + mu_ReadLen
suba.w #(MS_BPS+2)*2,a1 ; - (MS_BPS+2)*sizeof(word)
move.l a1,rawend(a5) ; rawend =
; byte *trackbuf = unit->mu_TrackBuffer;
move.l mu_TrackBuffer(a0),a1
move.l a1,trackbuf(a5)
; word *oldcrc = unit->mu_CrcBuffer;
lea mu_CrcBuffer(a0),a1
move.l a1,oldcrc(a5)
move.w #0,numsecs(a5) ; no sectors found yet
move.w #0,maxsec(a5) ; and no highest sector number
;;;; First we will try to find a sector id.
movea.l rawend(a5),a0 ; preload often-used values
move.w #SYNC,d0
cmp (rawbuf)+,d0
beq.s fid_gotsync
cmpa.l a0,rawbuf ; compare with end of buffer
blt.s find_id2
bra return ; We ran off the end of the buffer.
fid_gotsync: ; Skip the other syncs.
cmp.w (rawbuf),d0
bne.s fid_endsync
lea 2(rawbuf),rawbuf
bra.s fid_gotsync
cmp.w #MFM_ID,(rawbuf)+
bne.s find_id
; bsr DecodeByte ; cylinder #
; bsr DecodeByte ; side #
adda #4,rawbuf ; skip cylinder and side #
moveq.l #0,d0 ; clear high part
bsr DecodeByte ; sector #
tst.w d0
beq.s find_id ; sector number too small (0)?
cmp.w #MS_SPT_MAX,d0 ; sector number too large?
bgt.s find_id
cmp.w maxsec(a5),d0 ; what is the highest sector number?
ble.s nomax
move.w d0,maxsec(a5) ; record the highest sector number
subq.w #1,d0 ; normalise sector number
move.l d0,sector(a5)
find_data: ; Then find the data block.
movea.l rawend(a5),a0 ; preload often-used values
move.w #SYNC,d0
cmp.w (rawbuf)+,d0
beq.s fda_gotsync
cmpa.l a0,rawbuf
blt.s find_data2
bra.s return ; we ran off the end of the buffer.
fda_gotsync: ; skip the other syncs.
cmp.w (rawbuf),d0
bne.s fda_endsync
lea 2(rawbuf),rawbuf
bra.s fda_gotsync
cmp.w #MFM_DATA,(rawbuf)+ ; do we really have a data block?
bne.s find_id
cmpa.l a0,rawbuf ; will we still be inside the mfm data?
bge.s return
move.l sector(a5),d0 ; calculate the location to
moveq.l #LOG2_MS_BPS,d1 ; store this sector.
asl.l d1,d0
move.l trackbuf(a5),secptr
add.l d0,secptr
move.w #MS_BPS-1,numbytes
data_copy: ; decode the contents of the sector
; bsr.s DecodeByte
move.b d0,(secptr)+
dbra numbytes,data_copy
move.l sector(a5),d3 ; get pointer to crc location
add.l d3,d3 ; 2 bytes of crc per sector
move.l oldcrc(a5),a0
add.l d3,a0
bsr.s DecodeByte ; get high byte
move.b d0,(a0)+
bsr.s DecodeByte ; and low byte of crc
move.b d0,(a0)+
;;;; unit->mu_SectorStatus[sector] = unit->mu_InitSectorStatus;
move.l unit(a5),a0
move.b mu_InitSectorStatus(a0),d0
move.w sector+2(a5),d1
lea mu_SectorStatus(a0),a0
move.b d0,0(a0,d1.w)
addq.w #1,numsecs(a5)
cmp.w #MS_SPT_MAX,numsecs(a5)
blt find_id
move.w maxsec(a5),d0
unlk a5
movem.l (sp)+,dtregs
; Subroutine version of decode macro.
; Macro to encode a single byte to MFM.
; Also provided as a subroutine later on, for encoding that
; doesn't need to be inline.
; putmfm encodes one byte (in D0) into MSDOS MFM format to the location
; pointed by A0. D3 has to be preserved between calls !
; A2 must contain the pointer to the encoding table.
; Destroys D0, D1. Updates A0 and D3. Requires A0, D0, D3.
putmfm macro
; and.w #$FF,d0 ; assume d0.w is clean
lsl.w #1,d0 ; we make things twice as big here
move.w 0(a2,d0.w),d1 ; get mfm encoded byte from table
btst #14,d1 ; we now have to work out if
bne.s 1$ ; the high bit of the unencoded data
btst #0,d3 ; byte and the low bit of the last
bne.s 1$ ; encoded data are both 0. if this is the
bset #15,d1 ; case the first clock bit has to be '1'
1$ move.w d1,(a0)+ ; write encoded byte
move.w d1,d3
; we need a buffer for the Sector-ID field to calculate its checksum
; dc.b 0 ; cylinder
; dc.b 0 ; side
; dc.b 0 ; sector
; dc.b 2 ; length (2=512 bytes)
; dc.w 0 ; CRC
xref _MfmEncode
xref _MfmEncodeWord
xdef _EncodeTrack
; EncodeTrack(TrackBuffer, Rawbuffer, Crcs, Cylinder, Side, GapLen, NumSecs,
; 4 4 4 2 of 4 2(/4) 2(/4) 2(/4)
; WriteLen)
; 2(/4)
movem.l D2-D7/A2-A6,-(sp) ; save registers
fp set (4*(6+5))+4 ; 4 for return address
trackbf set 0
rawbf set 4
crcs set 8
cylinder set 12
side set 16
gaplen set 20
numsecs set 24
wlen set 28
; a0 ptr in encoded data (also putmfmbyte)
; a2 ptr to mfm encoding table (putmfmbyte)
; a3 ptr to data to be crc'd (HeaderCRC)
; a4 ptr to table with calculated CRC's
; a5 ptr to unencoded data
; d0 byte to be encoded (putmfmbyte)
; d1 trashed by putmfmbyte
; d3 used by putmfmbyte
; d5 sector number
; d6 general counter of byte spans
; d7 sector countdown
sub.w #2,fp+gaplen+2(sp) ; gap length between sectors
move.l fp+rawbf(sp),a0 ; pointer to mfmencoded buffer
move.l fp+crcs(sp),a4 ; pointer to precalculated CRCs
move.l fp+trackbf(sp),a5 ; pointer to unencoded data
lea _MfmEncodeWord,a2 ; pointer to MFM lookup table
move.w #$9254,d0 ; a track starts with a gap ($4e)
moveq #INDEXGAP-1,d6
ingl1 move.w d0,(a0)+ ; mfmencoded = $9254
dbf d6,ingl1
move.w #$aaaa,d0 ; a track index starts with a gap containing
moveq #INDXGAP-1,d6 ; 12 * 0 (mfm = $aaaa)
ingl2 move.w d0,(a0)+
dbf d6,ingl2
move.w #INDEXSYNC,d0 ; The INDEX field begins here, starting
move.w d0,(a0)+ ; with 3 syncs (3 * $c2) with a missing
move.w d0,(a0)+ ; clock bit
move.w d0,(a0)+
move.w #$5552,(a0)+ ; INDEX mark ($fc)
move.w #$9254,d0 ; more gap
moveq #INDEXGAP2-1,d6
ingl3 move.w d0,(a0)+ ; mfmencoded = $9254
dbf d6,ingl3
lea -6(sp),sp ; Reserve room for SectorHeader
fp set fp+6
move.w fp+numsecs+2(sp),d7; number of sectors to encode
subq.w #1,d7 ; minus 1 for dbra
moveq #0,d5 ; start with first sector
move.w #$aaaa,d0 ; a sector starts with a gap containing
moveq #IDGAP2-1,d6 ; 12 * 0 (mfm = $aaaa)
id2gl move.w d0,(a0)+
dbf d6,id2gl
move.w #SYNC,d0 ; The ID field begins here, starting
move.w d0,(a0)+ ; with 3 syncs (3 * $a1) with a missing
move.w d0,(a0)+ ; clock bit
move.w d0,(a0)+
move.w #$5554,(a0)+ ; ID-Address mark ($fe)
move.l sp,a3 ; pointer to Sector-ID buffer
moveq #$5554&1,d3 ; preload d3 for the putmfmbyte routine
move.b fp+cylinder+3(sp),0(a3) ; insert current cylinder number
move.b fp+side+3(sp),1(a3) ; side number
addq.w #1,d5 ; sectors start with 1 instead of 0
move.b d5,2(a3) ; sector number
move.b #MS_BPScode,3(a3) ; sector length 512 bytes
bsr HeaderCRC ; calculate checksum
move.w d0,IDDATA(a3) ; put it past the data
moveq #IDDATA+IDCRC-1,d6 ; 6 bytes Sector-ID
sidl move.b (a3)+,d0 ; get one byte
bsr putmfmbyte ; encode it
dbf d6,sidl ; end of buffer ?
moveq #$4e,d0 ; recalculate the MFM value of the
bsr putmfmbyte ; first gap byte
moveq #DATAGAP1-1-1,d6 ; GAP consisting of
move.w #$9254,d0 ; 22 * $4e
dg1l move.w d0,(a0)+
dbf d6,dg1l
moveq #DATAGAP2-1,d6 ; GAP consisting of
move.w #$aaaa,d0 ; 12 * 0 (mfm = $aaaa)
dg2l move.w d0,(a0)+
dbf d6,dg2l
move.w #SYNC,d0 ; Sector data
move.w d0,(a0)+ ; starts with 3 syncs
move.w d0,(a0)+
move.w d0,(a0)+
move.w #$5545,(a0)+ ; Data Address Mark ($fb)
moveq #$5545&1,d3 ; preload d3
move #MS_BPS-1,d6 ; a sector has 512 bytes
dblockl moveq #0,d0 ; avoid garbage
move.b (a5)+,d0 ; get one byte from the buffer
; bsr.s putmfmbyte ; encode it
dbf d6,dblockl ; end of sector ?
move.b (a4)+,d0 ; get first byte of CRC
bsr.s putmfmbyte ; encode it
move.b (a4)+,d0 ; get second byte
bsr.s putmfmbyte ; encode it
moveq #$4e,d0 ; recalculate the MFM value of the
bsr.s putmfmbyte ; first gap byte -> -1 in following loop
move.w fp+gaplen+2(sp),d6 ; sector ends with a gap, -1 for dbf
move.w #$9254,d0 ; 80 * $4e
dg3l move.w d0,(a0)+
dbf d6,dg3l
dbf d7,secloop ; next sector. d5 has been incremented
lea 6(sp),sp ; Free room for SectorHeader
fp set fp-6
move.l fp+rawbf(sp),d6 ; pointer to mfmencoded buffer
add.l fp+wlen(sp),d6 ; end of encoded buffer
subq.l #2,d6 ; -2 for dbf
move.l a0,d0 ; (I really want to sub.l a0,d6 )
sub.l d0,d6 ; length of the remains
lsr.l #1,d6 ; turn into words
move.w #$9254,d0 ; Fill the end of the track with $4e
endgl move.w d0,(a0)+ ; $9254 mfm encoded
dbf d6,endgl
movem.l (sp)+,D2-D7/A2-A6
; putmfmbyte
; Subroutine version of the macro. Same register conventions, of course.
and.w #$FF,d0 ; strip garbage
endc ; ifne READONLY
; The CRC is computed not only over the actual data, but including
; the SYNC mark (3 * $a1) and the 'ID/DATA - Address Mark' ($fe/$fb).
; As we don't read or encode these fields into our buffers, we have to
; preload the registers containing the CRC with the values they would have
; after stepping over these fields.
; How CRCs "really" work:
; First, you should regard a bitstring as a series of coefficients of
; polymomials. We calculate with these polynomials in modulo-2
; arithmetic, in which both add and subtract are done the same as
; exclusive-or. Now, we modify our data (a very long polynomial) in
; such a way that it becomes divisible by the CCITT-standard 16-bit
; 16 12 5
; polynomial: x + x + x + 1, represented by $11021. The easiest
; way to do this would be to multiply (using proper arithmetic) our
; datablock with $11021. So we have:
; data * $11021 =
; data * ($10000 + $1021) =
; data * $10000 + data * $1021
; The left part of this is simple: Just add two 0 bytes. But then
; the right part (data $1021) remains difficult and even could have
; a carry into the left part. The solution is to use a modified
; multiplication, which has a result that is not correct, but with
; a difference of any multiple of $11021. We then only need to keep
; the 16 least significant bits of the result.
; The following algorithm does this for us:
; unsigned char *data, c, crclo, crchi;
; while (not done) {
; c = *data++ + crchi;
; crchi = (@ c) >> 8 + crclo;
; crclo = @ c;
; }
; Remember, + is done with EOR, the @ operator is in two tables (high
; and low byte separately), which is calculated as
; $1021 * (c & $F0)
; xor $1021 * (c & $0F)
; xor $1021 * (c >> 4) (* is regular multiplication)
; Anyway, the end result is the same as the remainder of the division of
; the data by $11021. I am afraid I need to study theory a bit more...
; This is the entry to calculate the checksum for the sector-id field
; requires: a3 = pointer to the unencoded data
; returns: d0 = CRC
movem.l D1-D3/A3-A5,-(sp) ; save registers
move.w #$b2,d0 ; preload registers
moveq #$30,d1 ; (CRC for $a1,$a1,$a1,$fb)
moveq #3,d3 ; calculate checksum for 4 bytes
bra.s getCRC ; (=cylinder,side,sector,sectorlength)
; This is the entry to calculate the checksum for the data field
; requires: a3 = pointer to the unencoded data
; returns: d0 = CRC
; C entry point for DataCRC(byte *data)
xdef _DataCRC
movem.l D1-D3/A3-A5,-(sp) ; save registers
fp set (4*(3+3))+4
data set 0
move.l fp+data(sp),a3 ; get parameter
move.w #$e2,d0 ; preload the CRC registers
move.w #$95,d1 ; (CRC for $a1,$a1,$a1,$fe)
move.w #MS_BPS-1,d3 ; a sector 512 bytes
getCRC lea CRCTable1(pc),a4
lea CRCTable2(pc),a5
moveq #0,d2
1$ move.b (a3)+,d2
eor.b d0,d2
move.b 0(a4,d2.w),d0
eor.b d1,d0
move.b 0(a5,d2.w),d1
dbf d3,1$
lsl.w #8,d0 ; merge both halves of the CRC
move.b d1,d0
movem.l (sp)+,D1-D3/A3-A5
dc.b $00,$10,$20,$30,$40,$50,$60,$70,$81,$91,$a1,$b1,$c1,$d1,$e1,$f1
dc.b $12,$02,$32,$22,$52,$42,$72,$62,$93,$83,$b3,$a3,$d3,$c3,$f3,$e3
dc.b $24,$34,$04,$14,$64,$74,$44,$54,$a5,$b5,$85,$95,$e5,$f5,$c5,$d5
dc.b $36,$26,$16,$06,$76,$66,$56,$46,$b7,$a7,$97,$87,$f7,$e7,$d7,$c7
dc.b $48,$58,$68,$78,$08,$18,$28,$38,$c9,$d9,$e9,$f9,$89,$99,$a9,$b9
dc.b $5a,$4a,$7a,$6a,$1a,$0a,$3a,$2a,$db,$cb,$fb,$eb,$9b,$8b,$bb,$ab
dc.b $6c,$7c,$4c,$5c,$2c,$3c,$0c,$1c,$ed,$fd,$cd,$dd,$ad,$bd,$8d,$9d
dc.b $7e,$6e,$5e,$4e,$3e,$2e,$1e,$0e,$ff,$ef,$df,$cf,$bf,$af,$9f,$8f
dc.b $91,$81,$b1,$a1,$d1,$c1,$f1,$e1,$10,$00,$30,$20,$50,$40,$70,$60
dc.b $83,$93,$a3,$b3,$c3,$d3,$e3,$f3,$02,$12,$22,$32,$42,$52,$62,$72
dc.b $b5,$a5,$95,$85,$f5,$e5,$d5,$c5,$34,$24,$14,$04,$74,$64,$54,$44
dc.b $a7,$b7,$87,$97,$e7,$f7,$c7,$d7,$26,$36,$06,$16,$66,$76,$46,$56
dc.b $d9,$c9,$f9,$e9,$99,$89,$b9,$a9,$58,$48,$78,$68,$18,$08,$38,$28
dc.b $cb,$db,$eb,$fb,$8b,$9b,$ab,$bb,$4a,$5a,$6a,$7a,$0a,$1a,$2a,$3a
dc.b $fd,$ed,$dd,$cd,$bd,$ad,$9d,$8d,$7c,$6c,$5c,$4c,$3c,$2c,$1c,$0c
dc.b $ef,$ff,$cf,$df,$af,$bf,$8f,$9f,$6e,$7e,$4e,$5e,$2e,$3e,$0e,$1e
dc.b $00,$21,$42,$63,$84,$a5,$c6,$e7,$08,$29,$4a,$6b,$8c,$ad,$ce,$ef
dc.b $31,$10,$73,$52,$b5,$94,$f7,$d6,$39,$18,$7b,$5a,$bd,$9c,$ff,$de
dc.b $62,$43,$20,$01,$e6,$c7,$a4,$85,$6a,$4b,$28,$09,$ee,$cf,$ac,$8d
dc.b $53,$72,$11,$30,$d7,$f6,$95,$b4,$5b,$7a,$19,$38,$df,$fe,$9d,$bc
dc.b $c4,$e5,$86,$a7,$40,$61,$02,$23,$cc,$ed,$8e,$af,$48,$69,$0a,$2b
dc.b $f5,$d4,$b7,$96,$71,$50,$33,$12,$fd,$dc,$bf,$9e,$79,$58,$3b,$1a
dc.b $a6,$87,$e4,$c5,$22,$03,$60,$41,$ae,$8f,$ec,$cd,$2a,$0b,$68,$49
dc.b $97,$b6,$d5,$f4,$13,$32,$51,$70,$9f,$be,$dd,$fc,$1b,$3a,$59,$78
dc.b $88,$a9,$ca,$eb,$0c,$2d,$4e,$6f,$80,$a1,$c2,$e3,$04,$25,$46,$67
dc.b $b9,$98,$fb,$da,$3d,$1c,$7f,$5e,$b1,$90,$f3,$d2,$35,$14,$77,$56
dc.b $ea,$cb,$a8,$89,$6e,$4f,$2c,$0d,$e2,$c3,$a0,$81,$66,$47,$24,$05
dc.b $db,$fa,$99,$b8,$5f,$7e,$1d,$3c,$d3,$f2,$91,$b0,$57,$76,$15,$34
dc.b $4c,$6d,$0e,$2f,$c8,$e9,$8a,$ab,$44,$65,$06,$27,$c0,$e1,$82,$a3
dc.b $7d,$5c,$3f,$1e,$f9,$d8,$bb,$9a,$75,$54,$37,$16,$f1,$d0,$b3,$92
dc.b $2e,$0f,$6c,$4d,$aa,$8b,$e8,$c9,$26,$07,$64,$45,$a2,$83,$e0,$c1
dc.b $1f,$3e,$5d,$7c,$9b,$ba,$d9,$f8,$17,$36,$55,$74,$93,$b2,$d1,$f0
; The disk change interrupt handler glue code.
ifne 0
xref _DiskChangeHandler
xdef _DiskChangeHandler0
move.l a1,-(sp) ; is_Data
jsr _DiskChangeHandler
lea 4(sp),sp